1. According to the decision of YÖK, our HCP courses are opened in both undergraduate semesters, Fall and Spring semesters. In our SMM course, classes will start with the start of Gazi University 2023-2024 Spring Semester Classes. In our SMM course, lessons will be held online.
2) Gazi University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering Option Electrical 1 kV. Above and 1 kV. Six Facilities will first offer the following courses required to obtain the SMM Certificate,
High Voltage Technique
Power System Analysis (Electrical Facilities)
Electrical Machines
3) The first meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, March 4, 2023 at 20:00 for information about our SMM Course. Link information for this meeting is below.
First meeting link information on 04 March 2024 at 20.00:
Subject: Gazi SMM Course 38th Term Introductory Meeting
Time: Mar 4, 2024 08.00 PM Istanbul
clickor use the link below to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 743 5017 2119
Passcode: 1CCCvA
Lessons will be held via zoom. Problem solving courses and exams will be held face to face in Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Ankara.
Sample course schedule is given below. Exact lesson hours and days will be determined after the first meeting.
On Sundays:
09.30-10.10 Zoom High Voltage Technique 1st Lesson
10.20-11.00 Zoom High Voltage Technique 2nd Lesson
11.10-11.50 Zoom High Voltage Technique 3rd Lesson
18.30-19.10 Zoom Power System Analysis 1st Lesson
19.20-20.00 Zoom Power System Analysis 2nd Lesson
20.10-20.50 Zoom Power System Analysis 3rd Lesson
18.30-19.10 Zoom Electrical Machines 1st Lesson
19.20-20.00 Zoom Electrical Machines 2nd Lesson
20.10-20.50 Zoom Electrical Machines 3rd Lesson
The Zoom link will be emailed to students by the relevant faculty member before each class.
4.) Each course will be 45 hours. All courses will be given via ZOOM by Gazi University, Maltepe Campus, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
5.) Applications; After the fee is deposited to the Gazi University Continuing Education Center Account, the Online Application Form created by Gazi University Continuing Education Center must be filled out. In the online application form, the course you want to take should be selected in the "Education Group" section and the online application form must be filled out separately for each course.
Gazi University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Associate Professor. Süleyman Sungur TEZCAN 0-312-582 33 55
e-mail: stezcan@gazi.edu.tr (For your questions, send an e-mail to stezcan@gazi.edu.tr.)
6. Lessons will be given by
Prof. Dr. M. Cengiz TAPLAMACIOĞLU (Ph.D. University of Wales College of Cardiff, Great Britain),
Associate Professor. Süleyman S. TEZCAN (Ph.D. Gazi University),
Dr. Lecturer. Member Hıdır DÜZKAYA (Ph.D. Gazi University).
7. Payments are 2500 TL per lesson.
Candidates who have pre-registered will be notified that the number of participants required for the training has been reached, and they will be asked to pay the training fee.
Click for detailed information about "Electricity Above 1 kV and Below 1 kV Facilities SMM Certificate".
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.